Automotive SerDes Alliance to Present at AutoSens 2020 in Detroit Michigan

By Stefan Brunner March 3, 2020

UPDATE: Postponed! More information:

In today’s E/E Architectures, there are various communication scopes, but an increasingly important one is the interface from sensors to the in-vehicle-network and ECU’s. These interfaces operate at speeds up to several Gb/s, and the number of these high-speed links is increasing significantly in automotive applications.

The confluence of increasing speed, increased usage, and the context created by applications such as ADAS have forced a re-thinking of how these links are implemented. Power, latency, robustness and safety, security, and finally the existence of a true multi-vendor environment have become paramount concerns.

Senior engineers and technologists join AutoSens in May 2020 for its annual USA update in Detroit, Michigan – 500+ international participants put their heads together to lead technical discussions with the purpose of transforming the future of vehicle perception technology. AutoSens connects the world’s leading engineers and technologists in ADAS and autonomous vehicles to network, collaborate, solve shared challenges and advance autonomous vehicle technologies more rapidly.

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